Thursday 15 August 2013

Theme Thursday link-up: Faith

I've been reading my favourite Catholic blogs for a little while now. I've thought about linking up with the peeps at Clan Donaldson, House Unseen or Camp Patton. Nerdily day-dreamed a bit about it. So of course the first time I have time to link up is when the theme is huge.


Wow. I have a lot to say about that.

Let me paraphrase this, my story, as short as possible. I was raised protestant, wanted to "be cool," and do bad things and plus, protestantism never really made 100% sense to me so MOVE ON to cooler, partier stuff. Which then led me to self-loathing and emptiness. Cue God and the Catholic Church. Boom. Logic and fulfillment and liking myself again. I found the Faith.

My all-time favourite stained glass window. It is the whole rosary in pictures.

*disclaimer: I really like people and have much respect for many protestants, there is just a reason why I am Catholic, which is another post altogether. SO if you are protestant, please don't be insulted, I have much love & respect for you

Normal Person

All my life I was told, "Follow your dreams!" "Dream big!" and "You don't want to end up boring." People who had never traveled, or a prestigious degree were looked down on, "You don't want to be like ______." I'm pretty sure that this is a message that many of us in the Western World get hammered into us at from the very beginning. Now don't get me wrong, I'm ALL for accomplishing your dreams and having them etc, BUT I've realized that it is totally okay to dream small.

Yes, you read that right, it's OKAY to be normal, average and simple.

It's okay if your biggest dreams are every day things, like a happy marriage, happy kids, trying to be Christ-like (and failing! That's okay too!) and maybe even paying off a mortgage one day on your pretty normal looking house. Maybe your big dream is catching three fish in one outing, or making a completely DELISH meal or going out fancy-just once. It's okay to be simple, it's okay to be boring, as long as you are content with your life. If you're having kids and you're thinking, "Oh no, I am not bettering myself! I am not mastering ____!!!" Well, you can do that thing you want to master, but all in good time. And guess what! Are you trying your hardest for your kids even if you will never be a "pinterest mom?" Are you spending time with them, as much as possible, and loving them with every inch of you? You ARE bettering yourself! By default! Good for you! You rock!

You're great. Even without pink hair, or cool friends, or having been to Bali. Promise.